jest petarda
Country:@CJ_OG_69 I have found the solution. After downloading, extract the file into the modloader, into a separate folder. If you have CLEO installed, you need to remove bass.dll file (or just don't put it in the game folder). It will be in the "in not using CLEO" folder. It is because of this file, if we have CLEO installed, that the text in other mods were not visible, e.g. even the options in the modloader were disappearing
Fantastycznie wykonana podmianka!
This modification is great, but since some update, the text from the CLEO script (.fxt) is invisible, similarly with the Modloader menu. This problem has been around for several months now.
Ubóstwiam tego Poloneza, jedna z najbardziej lubianych przeze mnie podmianek do SA 💖