==My Info<==
Name :M.Reza
Nickname :Reza
Other Name :Tom
Age :18
BBD :Tenggarong,3 Oktober 1999
Job :Student At High School Also Seller At Shop,Mod Tester
Hobby :Gaming,Sleep,Reading Some Novels
Address :Tenggarong,Center Of Kutai Kartanegara,East Borneo,Indonesia
Contact :FB ;Mhmd Reza T
:Line ;Reza.Tom ID:rezatombrian
:Twitter ;[email protected]
:Email ;[email protected]
Status :Single
Info :I Just Wondering For Some Awesome Mods And You Make It Awesome .
@Alvian9xpro Yeah i mean Player and Controlled NPC Can be brought to Race Activity you know maybe for some rush Driving or make Controlled NPC racing while Player shooting other cars maybe ?? ? I Mean, more simply just make Activity normal again because when i active this mod some Side Activity (Quarry,Truck,Championship Event,Race,Save Game) is gone and can't even enter House & some Interior,.. yeah i mean that OK Bro keep up the work i will always look for the next update
This is good mod hmm,but can you make more improvement again ,bro ? Like do other activities when contolling NPC (Like Racing / Saving a game maybe) + how to Drive By with controlled NPC it seems hard for me
?Anyway good job make sure keep improve the mod at always
Lol i remember this on HentaiHaven i never imagined it will port to GTA SA LOL .Damn it we need more Anime Hentai skin in GTA SA
My favorite car <3 !!!
This is awesome actually.But if you can add Stock Spoliler it would be amazing
Heh I am Sorry If Its Ryosuke Mod Because I didn't notice it i only see by DK22PAC So i didn't realize it .Please Don't Blame Alright :