Welcome to my GTAinside userpage! Here you find some information about my live in Los Santos and Liberty City. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me by a Private Message.
great work threep.. max pt.
ok it worx but i cent load my saves !? i thoug this only happend when i change the script... can someone who has a workn savegame post it here ? pleaz
its not workn at my san andreas ! made every thing you wrote in readme..
the pictures look awesome !
if it worx, max. pt
die karre sieht hammer aus. aber kannste den nicht als normales auto rein tun ?
damit man felgen wechseln kann ?? und ev. die muster als paintjob ? wäre der knüller. an keinem dieser alten porsches kann man die felgen wechseln ! anschiss
it looks good.. il check it..