Hello, I am doing "dff only" stuff so they can be used on mobile. I upload mostly cars that are not mine but I have converted them to "dff only". If you are the owner of the mod for any of those cars conect with me so I will edit the mod and include your name in it!
Have fun!
I puted the file in com.rockstargames.data but it didn't worked... Help I don't know what to do
@Josefran455 The wheels are using a texture that is in the game. If you have replaced that texture it may cause your wheels to turn white. Also if you have SA file editor you can open the "sultan.dff" and check if the wheel texture is marked with ✓. They should be because I turned all the textures possible on to make it look better. If you still have this problem you can simply turn the texture off and colour the wheel whatever colour you want. I hope I helped.
Oh yes now it's ok
It actually is mph but cool mod although
It is hitting the ground and it's undriveble. Although it's well made