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Spawn these XML's with Menyoo (Preferably itsjustcurtis's version of Menyoo)
From my understanding Menyoo still works as well, just be sure to disable Battle Eye within the settings in the Social Club launcher. Be sure to do this as well before using any paid/online menu.
! Updated Menyoo (Thank You Curtis) @

Looking to spawn these vehicles online?? Consider the following menus, or scripts within menus! (You don't need all of them, just pick 1)
1. Cherax menu "Chairhax Expanded & Enhanced LUA script" (Thanks SATTY)
2. Stand menu "Constructor LUA script" (Thanks Hexarobi)
3. 2Take1 menu "KEKS LUA script"
4. Ethereal menu (Read below)

.!. The Cherax's Chairhax Expanded LUA script seemed to spawn all my vehicles correctly including the map I made. Put the map in Saved Projects folder and spawn it from there. Vehicles go in Saved Vehicles folder.
.!. The Constructor LUA script for Stand seems to spawn all vehicles correctly but does not spawn the map I made correctly. All vehicles go in the Constructs folder for the Constructor LUA script for Stand.
.!. KEK's Lua script for 2Take1 seemed to spawn all vehicles + map perfectly. Vehicles go in 2Take1 - Scripts - Menyoo vehicles folder. Maps go in 2Take1 - Scripts - Menyoo maps folder. Make sure to install the script first which can be done inside the mod menu. Menyoo maps is located in " Self options " within the KEKS lua script.
.!. Ethereal mod menu has an XML and INI folder for modded vehicles. However, their XML spawner is not as smoothe as the others listed above. Issues can occur when spawning certain XML vehicles with Ethereal. It's still a good menu, but for special vehicle spawning I recommend trying the menus as they are in order for best vehicle spawning experience.- I requested them to kindly look into this, and if the spawner for their menu is updated, I will update this info!

Will add further recommendations if see fit. Not many options now for online menus at the moment due to recent anti cheat change. One or more of the above mentioned are still operational online with improvements toward that soon hopefully. I might not make any more vehicles or edits, I had a lot of fun and all though my vehicles are not anything impressive, I really enjoyed making them and using them online! They made sessions a tad more interesting, and got great reactions from other players!

Updated info 10/27/24

Age: 23
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Recent Comments (20)
Pay Day (XML Vehicle/Menyoo)
Electrify | 03.06.2024 | 546

Comments: 20

This new blue light I been using to make s*** glow might not light up at all with certain menus. The object will load but you won't see the light. Not a huge deal though, this is likely the menus end not the vehicle. Seemed to load fine with Menyoo & Constructor. Sometimes the light only shows around certain areas of the map? It's weird

2022 Saipa Shahin
Ghasem | 26.01.2024 | 1954

Comments: 20

@Ghasem You too. ❤Dirol

2022 Saipa Shahin
Ghasem | 26.01.2024 | 1954

Comments: 20


Los Santos Tuners Skins (GTA5) for SA
MaartiinHITMods | 23.01.2024 | 3238

Comments: 20


Mr Potato Head (Toy Story) Skin
sssilver03 | 14.12.2023 | 1983

Comments: 20

potatoes Dirol