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Brit trapped in America

Country: United States Age: 54
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Recent Comments (118)
500 Euro Banknotes |HD|
Ufuseproductions: UfuseProductionsInc. | 02.06.2024 | 5604

Comments: 118

If you're still around, can you possibly make a GBP version of this? And possibly, with the old British Pound notes before KCIII took over?

Knight Rider
Mr.© Bolleck® // DriverOne | 02.06.2024 | 40473

Comments: 118

Excellent model but....

I see all these Knight Rider mods, and none of them have the trademark bouncing red light in the front. Without that, it's not really Knight Rider. It's just a future car.

London Underground Train
SkylineGTRFreak | 31.05.2024 | 61987

Comments: 118

Unfortunately in or higher, it disables the ability to actually get on the train. (The prompt to board the train becomes disabled/never appears.) I'm pretty sure there are some config parameters you have to modify to fix that. But I don't know what they are.

(I have not tested this is

So if you never ride the train and are okay with this being only for background aesthetics, it's okay. But I want to be able to still use the train, so it's useless in that aspect.

I wish this was a keeper. But I would edit the skin color to be a brighter red. (It should be only slightly darker than the color in our flag.) The real Underground is not that dark, unless it's incredibly dirty from sitting in the maintenance depot.

Simple Traffic Loader - NEW UPDATE
ItsClonkAndre | 31.05.2024 | 240464

Comments: 118

@CyrodiilWarrior - Yes.

@fune boi - You can't put cops cars, ambulances, firetrucks, or taxis in there, because they are script related. The police cars that spawn in regular traffic are hardcoded, so you can't change that.

Note#1: You can "replace" which 2 police models spawn in traffic with the use of IVTweaker. I tried this once and replaced police and police2 with polpatriot and nstockade. But it was stupid seeing a bunch of those in traffic.

Note#2: You can spawn extra populated police vehicles with ZMenu. Although, I believe if they drive too far away from you they despawn and don't respawn themselves. I tested this by spawning 20 units other than police and police2. But after about 10 minutes, I didn't notice the extra cars anymore. So they must have despawned.

Also, if you spawn too many police vehicles, make sure you have "Never Wanted" enabled first. Because they spawn right next to you. And if they bump you, instant 1 star!

Just spawn a few of the vehicles you want, and let them drive away first, and then you can turn off Never Wanted. And see what happens.

Ladder for Playboy X's Penthouse
AceEliminator | 31.05.2024 | 3860

Comments: 118

BTW, works great if you are only doing GTA IV. But for some reason it makes TBOGT and TLAD crash on load.