

About Me

Welp, I'm a 13-year-old who loves to play video games.

Country: United States Age: 19
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28.03.2024, 20:54
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Recent Comments (1)
SA_DirectX 2.0
Makarus | 21.01.2019 | 6741964

Comments: 1

Hello, I'm trying to install this but the problem I'm having is that when I enter the game there's just a blackscreen, the map and hud is still there but I can't see anything, if someone could help me with this it would be really helpful

Infos :

I'm running a downgraded version of GTA SA since I bought the game on steam, the game works fine with other mods, I tried Marty's mod and it works fine except it won't launch and the .exe is just running on the task manager but I was able to fix that, The OS i'm running is Win10 Professional and that's about it, If you need more infos I'll provide what I can, and lastly thank you in advance smile