Herkunft:Hello again. About the reflection on the wheels, I found this vehicle https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/117416-gta-iii-declasse-cabbie-sa-style.html that has good reflection. https://imgur.com/a/5hHIV5t
if it doesn't work, one idea I have is to use the same reflection values as the chassis on the wheels for testing.
@Automan I searched for vehicles and found one where the bumper and wheel reflections work perfectly on mobile. if not, maybe changing the ZM version will work, idk...
All your vehicles work perfectly. but I missed that some cars from android version do not have reflection on the wheel, in the future do you intend to change this?
@CleytonGamer Se não me engano dentro do GTA3 txd tem essas texturas de rua lq e outras do ViceCity, só precisa renomear.