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Freedom of speech enjoyer.

#1 Thug hater.

Country: Canada Age: 17
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16.08.2024, 23:23
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Recent Comments (1)
Hawk and Little Service Carbine
alfieladdie | 01.08.2024 | 1092

Comments: 1

Just want to give a quick note, if you are saying "oh I've seen this mod before" good for you.

This weapon model was given by a friend who does weapon conversions, I do weapon conversions too however this file was given to me and before I knew, this file has been passed numerous times. There were links to nexus about the weapon however that was not the original and it was from 2 years ago.

I speculate this file is like 10 years old-ish.

So if I get accused of theft, all I say is I will not go full lengths to just rip some model from like years ago. I do not take gta modding seriously and its community, this was made for fun and conveniences for some people who like lore friendly mods, I don't condone theft and accusations but take it from my perspective for a minute and ask questions to me in my inbox.

Well, I take down the mod? I'm on a limbo and say I do not know.

But from my mistakes and from the last mod, there are no readme txt, so I'll definitely put a readme txt in my next conversion.

Have a nice day and don't take life seriously.
(P.S gta 4 is overrated anyways)

Edit: if you make an ignorant comment, I'm deleting it and I do not regret it, I would rather have a silent comment section than a 2017 youtube drama comment section.