Known for weapon conversions from V to SA.
No longer owns
Critic, Political Satirist, and a Nihilistic Centrist.
Half Liberal and Half Conservative; Supporter of Guns, Human, Civil and LGBT Rights; and the believer of Freedom of Speech.
Formerly known as GTAVMC (a.k.a. GTA V Mod Crib and even a defunct group from Facebook with the same name).
I love Blacks, Asians, Latinos, and even Whites.
You see, I'm no ordinary modder, I'm just making MODDING GREAT AGAIN which I'm just doing my job as making one of the best weapon conversions I have ever uploaded that the site has never recognized my work as Featured Mods. But hey, who cares about recognitions anyway. What mostly matters is the downloads in my case, that way everyone will feel content of how complete this is. I just love the reaction from the comment section down below. but now that I'm back unbeknownst to some, don't forget to vote, comment, add my mods to your favorites, and share only if you want it to.
PS: No stealing unless you gave credibility to someone that worked so hard. if that defied the odds, I will take legal action without any hesitations.
@Torinz Well, that's because this is something I've been wishing.
How come he looks like Vincenzo's Plate? 100000/10
@Simple_Us3r By simply opening the readme.txt in the archive of this mod I made. Although not following instructions isn't exactly for everybody that is incapable, it isn't an intention to offend anybody. But within this said file stated that you need to download the texture editor that I recommended, the Magic.TXD app. To replace textures, you must head to the EDIT section and find the REPLACE option. After finding the specific texture you want to replace; click Replace in this "replace texture..."; save it; and there you go.
Next time, you gotta need to follow the instructions in the readme.txt, capiche?
Something that should have been in the game all along. 100000/1000
Where's Salamence by the way? 10000/100