Wie ihr sicherlich gerade bemerkt habt, gibt es von nun an ein neues Benutzermenu am oberen Bildschirmrand. Dieses zeigt euch zum einen Benachrichtigungen und neue private Nachrichten und zum anderen bietet es der Suchfunktion von nun an eine neue Heimat.
Neu sind insbesondere die Benachrichtigungen: Werdet ihr in einem Kommentar erwähnt oder zitiert, findet ihr dort einen Hinweis. Aber auch für Modder bietet dieses Feature viele Infos. So liefert es Informationen darüber, wer eine Mod mit welcher Punktzahl bewertet hat, ob ein neues Video hinzugefügt wurde u.v.m.
Schaut euch die neuen Features in Ruhe an. Falls ihr Bugs oder andere Probleme entdeckt, bitte eine kurze Meldung in den Kommentaren hier! Vielen Dank.
Bei Darstellungsproblemen, bitte mit STRG+R einmal den Cache erneuern.
Quote: jpbuquidQuote: Jonathan6506
Agreed about being able to see who rate user's mods. Makes me aware of the threat that my friend told, the 'intentional 1-star rating', in case it happens to me!
me too ! someone rates my mod 1 star and it's annoying, thanks for the new feature Alex ! we can now see who rates 1 star
Brilliant. Thanks, Alex!
Quote: FeisalAR
Btw, How long does it take until the notification number disappear? I think the number should be reset and have the shown notifications marked as read automatically after the notification list has been opened for a few seconds
"I wish there would be a fade out for rating (similar to description) in which you could see the nicknames of those who have rated your mod... Some websites are even set to track visitors (show your country, city and sometimes IP address)." (31.05.2015, 16:54)
My wish came true! Thank you!
the rating system hasn't changed. It's the same as before. But from now on you will be notified who rated your mod and how many stars you were given.
Dear Alex !
First i don't know good English, that's my problem...so i want to say we will back the OLD voting !!! This new voting is not good....more mods have only 1 stars...and this is so saddening.
Oh yes.
Time to find out which jackass is rating mods 1/10 for various people.
Quote: TALHA5U(M.T.H)
Now this time i'm testing "reply" feature
At first, I didn't realize what's Happening, until i see the small Box in the top, It looks minimalistic And Finally, Now I know who rated my Mod, and how many stars they give. Very useful Alex!
Now this time i'm testing "reply" feature
Quote: Alex
News comments are not supported yet. This feature will come in a couple of hours.
Thank you very much, guys!
Quote: Jonathan6506
Agreed about being able to see who rate user's mods. Makes me aware of the threat that my friend told, the 'intentional 1-star rating', in case it happens to me!
Agreed about being able to see who rate user's mods. Makes me aware of the threat that my friend told, the 'intentional 1-star rating', in case it happens to me!
Fantastic and very very useful additions.
Btw, How long does it take until the notification number disappear? I think the number should be reset and have the shown notifications marked as read automatically after the notification list has been opened for a few seconds, just like Google+'s, instead of marking them as read manually in 'show all' page.
I think this would prevent old and recent notifications from being mixed up in the list, and too many stacked notifications because some lazy wankers (e.g. me, myself, and I) couldn't be bothered to mark them manually.
Quote: TALHA5U(M.T.H)
It's just to test the new feature![]()
I quoted my own comment..
Quote: TALHA5U(M.T.H)Quote: Nagi_Sanzenin
the best one.. atleast we can know whos member will rated those mods.
Yeah, i totally agree with you![]()
Quote: Nagi_Sanzenin
the best one.. atleast we can know whos member will rated those mods.
Great upgrade I love it
Quote: Nagi_Sanzenin
the best one.. atleast we can know whos member will rated those mods.
the best one.. atleast we can know whos member will rated those mods.
looks nice
I like the look of it. Looks nice and minimalistic.
Quote: jocoadic
Nice menu
Quote: Unknown ModderQuote: Alex
Super! Vielen Dank! Das Problem sollte behoben sein.
Ist es. Vielen Dank!
Quote: Alex
Super! Vielen Dank! Das Problem sollte behoben sein.
Super! Vielen Dank! Das Problem sollte behoben sein.
Das hier ist mir sofort nach dem Einloggen aufgefallen: http://i.imgur.com/6AP8aoU.png
Sonst ist aber alles