Heute haben wir wieder ein besonders umfangreiches Update für euch, welches eine riesige Anzahl neuer Mods für euch umfasst. Viel Spaß und ein schönes Wochenende:
MODS: - CID Billboard With Lod |
Falls es bei der Installation der Files zu Problemen oder Fehlern kommen sollte, könnt ihr wie gewohnt im Forum Hilfe erfragen oder mit der Board-Suche nach eurem Problem suchen. Des Weiteren bieten wir auch verschiedene Tutorials an.
I will think about it. Maybe I will find a solution.
Yeah I understand that thats a lot of work to do...
Maybe it will be possible only with new CLEO mods then?
I don't say that it should be sorted in one go. You could sort a few mods a day. Still would be great.
You are the admin here and I respect your decision. Thanks for understanding. :)
Good idea but this means that I have to enter every filesize by hand. Maybe there is a way to realize your idea by a php script. I will think about it!
At the moment there is just a very small number of visitors using a mobile device to enter this page. More than 97% of all visitors are coming from a PC.
I understand your point and I'm sure that I would have made such categories if I would had known those large number of CLEO mods when all this begun. But today it's a hell of a work to order 962 CLEO mods :-/
BBCode is also a nice idea! I put it on my "To Do" list :-)
And it would be really helpful if you make your own Android app, i know this doesn't sound really good , just sayin'
hey Alex, i want to tell you that, this site look more realistic if the cars dff and txd sizes will be write under the car mods................
please reply..........
and BBcode support for comments would be great too!
Hi Alex,
Sorry that I forgot about my comment ( http://puu.sh/arSQR/b8a08dc3b7.png )
I will try to explain this now.
There are nearly 1000 CLEO mods now, thats 60+pages.
In my opinion its hard to navigate there.
CLEO Mods are an subcategory for modifications already. But I think that CLEO Mods subcategory should have more categories to make it easier.
Mods > CLEO Modifications > Car related stuff
Mods > CLEO Modifications > Weapon related stuff
Mods > CLEO Modifications > Peds related stuff
Mods > CLEO Modifications > New missions
Mods > CLEO Modifications > New HUDs
Mods > CLEO Modifications > Myths/Monsters ( Im sure that there are more than 100 mods of such stuff..., its pretty annoying to see it because im not interested in such stuff.)
Mods > CLEO Modifications > New Features
Mods > CLEO Modifications > Activities
Mods > CLEO Modifications > Misc
Sure, maybe not all sections are right, you can make other ones/new ones.
Well, thanks for reading and I hope that you understood what I wanted to say.