In den vergangenen Wochen waren wir leider nicht immer mit so erreichbar wie wir uns das gewünscht hätten. Daher sind wir in den letzten Stunden auf komplett neue Server umgezogen. Im Zuge der Umstellung kann es vereinzelt noch zu Problemen kommen. Die Besucher der englischen Seite mussten dies bereits spüren, denn der Download von Mods war in den letzten Stunden nicht möglich. Das Problem wurde nun behoben und es sollte nun wieder problemlos möglich sein, alle gewünschen Modifikationen runterzuladen.
Falls jemand weitere ungewollte Fehlermeldungen oder Probleme entdeckt, postet dies bitte einfach hier in den Kommentaren oder schreibt mir eine Email. Vielen Dank!
Beste Grüße,
ok sorry for that plz check my latest file land rover
You are even not allowed to use his readme.txt without asking him! Asking first, then using it!
atleast upload my latest file
mainly because i was not knowing other languages other than english so when i checked his there was english and some other langusge so i copy it
my friend i was not knowing what to write on read me file so i took it from him ... just read me file reset me myown ... i promise
Ok. If that's true, please explain to me, why is his readme.txt in your archive file?
Denus made his land cruiser for gta iv and i made it for gta san andreas .... also check the image of my land cruiser so can see the deference !!!!!!!!1
my land cruiser is not his ....... this is made my me for gta san andreas ...... plz upload my file
Because Denus has made this Land Cruiser and NOT YOU!
i have uploaded a land cruiser 2011 by pressing the file upload ..... but i cannot see my land cruiser on gta sanandreas / cars / toyta ... why ?
Thank you for this amazing GTA website. I dont know what would happen if this site went down. This is the best modding site ever.