My Finest Work yet, the McLaren 650S Coupe Liberty Walk (Kato Concept).
Replace T20 (Base), you can replace it with anycar you like. event with Add-On cars.
1. Find the car you'd like to replace, and then CTRL+F3 and then type your car Ex. massacro2_hi.yft. Why _hi.yft? if would be easier to find
2. Look for latest update of the car and then right click "Go to File"
3. Rename the "t20.yft, t20_hi.yft, t20.ytd" to "massacro2.yft, massacro2_hi.yft, massacro2.ytd" and then you're done.
Features :
- HQ model
-Shadered Properly
- Scissor Doors
- Dials
Known Bugs :
- Hands not on steer (Common I'd like to stay that way, since McLaren steer are huge).
- Zen-Imogen : 650S and Kits
- HNDSYRN : Complete set of P-Zero Tires and custom rims.
- Ega Mahendra : Screenshot
- Guys at GTA V PC Modder Group
Merry Christmast and Happy New Year!!
Enjoy it! :D