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Bewertung: | 9.92 bei 12 Bewertungen |
Waypoint Distance VStyle Version 1.5
- The text is now more flat. - You can decide if you want the text to have a shadow behind it. And you can set the size of the shadow too. - You can decide if the text should be bold. - "UseAutoPosition" added. This option automatically adapts the text to the current screen resolution so you dont have to type in the values manually if you dont have a 1920x1080 monitor. You can use those 2 values: TextPosX and TextPosY as an offset for the text (Only works if you set "UseAutoPosition" to true.). If you set "UseAutoPosition" to false, those 2 values become the position of the text. UseAutoPosition is set to true by default. - Support for Zolika's Menu V Radar's! - "AutoEnableWhenZMenuIsInstalled" added. This option will check if you have the ZolikaMenu installed. If you have it installed, the text will change its position to fit the V Radar. - "EnableDisableKey" added. This will let you change from V Radar text style to default text style. Default key: F8 - "RadarStyle" added. In the ZolikaMenu you have 3 options for the V Radar: Beta, LG and NG. If you want to use "LG", then you need to set the value of this option to "LG", this also applies for the 2 other styles. Default value: NG
- You can now choose a custom font for the text. - You can now choose the font size for the text. - You can enable "UseEpisodeTextColor" to enable episode color for the text. (You can see an example on the image) - The position of the text can now be changed.
- The text will now hide if the hud is disabled in the options.
- Release Known bugs: - The arrow doesn't always point in the right direction. If you have any suggestions, just tell me :) |