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Bewertung: | 5.17 bei 1275 Bewertungen |
First thing is that you need Trainer to load this track and to use it. Use Ragdoll Mod [M+Num 4] from Trainer to slide down this track. Remember to disable Planes (Trainer -> Options -> Enable/Disable Planes)! It's very hard coz there are those jumps what comes when you load this but it's cool, when you can control your player with: W,A,S,D. There is a parking place for cars on the top of the track in that Airport Tower and on the containers, you can use it for some else thing, but I wanna use it for car parking that my friends don't leave their cars to the road =D Yes, this is very hard to climb on slow car but on fast car it's pretty easy :) If you wanna use this track with friends make sure that they have Trainer, and make sure that they know how to press M+Num 4 :D |