
GTA 3 Mods



Gore Level Effect v1.0

Autor: Jack
Datum: 03.08.2016
Downloads: 12309 | Statistiken
Dateigröße: 0.13 MB

10.00 bei 6 Bewertungen

This is a CLEO code which mostly modifies weapon effects on characters...

Description [gta3]:
player recieves the same type of damage and has the same type of death animations as an NPC,
head component is now visible,
M16 first person crosshair replaced with a sniper crosshair (with a zoom option),
increased shotgun bullet force and fire blast size [bullet can throw N(PC)'s further away],
Uzi can not remove components but it's deadly just like the default M16 - same type of animations,
Ak47 will produce the same type of damage effect on the N(PC)'s as the default M16 assault riffle,
M16 will still be the most destructive riffle - beside component lost it will also produce shotgun hit animations,
the explosion effects the dead peds too and it can seriosly damage the player,
player will drop weapons if wasted just like an NPC (not working),
if the player lost 1 or more components he will be restored to the original state at the restart point,
increased size and density of particles produced by firearms,
component lost will produce more blood particles,
2 cheats enabled:
ENABLEGORE: new weapon and explosion effects, blood and component lost.
DISABLEGORE: no blood, no component lost.

Viruserkennungsrate: 0% (0/54)
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Gore Level Effect v1.0

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