GTA San Andreas
:Install: {From txdworkshop}
1.Choose "From IMG Tool" or "From txdworkshop" folder and open it.
2.Ex:From txdworkshop,you need TXD Workshop tool,download it here:http://www.gtagarage.com/mods/show.php?id=8320
3.Open TXD Workshop,Click "Open IMG" and scroll down until you get the name "m4.txd" then click it.
4.Click "M4icon" and click "Import" then brwose and replace it with my one.
5.Do the same to the "gun_m4".
6.Then click "Save TXD".
:Install: {From IMG Tool}
1.Download IMG Tool and Click "Open" then browse and choose "gta3.img".
2.Find "m4.txd" and replace it with my one.
Have Fun!
Download and Play!
Mod by - Lithma