
GTA San Andreas Weapons


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Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest)

Author: Zapster
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Date: 07.01.2020
Downloads: 19770 | Statistics
Filesize: 4.438 KB

10.00 based on 20 votes

>> Version 4.0 fixes
1. Enemies could have killed you easily, cause their accuracy was 100% on you. So I fixed that. Very handy when in a mission or when you are chased by Cops.
2. Some small fixes.
3. And some damage and animation fixes.

>> I have changed a lot of things in this version(v3)
1. Deagle animation speed was way too fast, So I fixed that.
2. M4 ammo doesn't carry 50 bullets at a time, so I changed it to 30.
3. Decreased the damage level for Tec-9, M4 and AK-47. Cause enemy could kill you easily.
4. Some range and radius fixes.
5. Tec-9 can carry 32 bullets(I learnt that from google) . So I changed it to 32 instead of 33.
6. Increased the missile fire rate of Hydra/Hunter.
7. Enemies can now kill you from far so stay sharp!!

Copy and paste the 'data' folder to your GTA SA directory.

>> Remember to backup any file before replacing.

I hope you guys will enjoy this mod! This is my first mod so please forgive me if I made any mistake.
This mod will improve and fix your weapon ranges, fire rates and also damages!

And a mod made by Hazmi_Mods helped me a lot for figuring out about the weapon fire rate(animation loop) values, A big thanks to him.
His userpage:
Enjoy his mods!

Tools I used: SA Ammunation Tool, Notepad++

Comment if you find any problem or bugs.

Author: Zapster

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Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest)
Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest) Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest) Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest) Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest) Real Weapon Range + Real Rate Of Fire + Real Damage v4 (Latest)

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