
GTA San Andreas Tools


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GTA SA Car Rename V1.1

Author: Prica | Email
Date: 20.04.2017
Downloads: 36698 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.899 MB

10.00 based on 103 votes



Everyone has already tried to change the name of some vehicle in GTA SA, right? Some found it complicated... Others impossible .... Others with so many attempts they got! But this tool is for all modder's of GTA SA

A simple tool is just open choose the car for which you want to replace the name, refer brand and model and save ... Even simple so I swear!


Only execut the installation file!

How To Use

1º First time, Choose the directory of GTA SA!
2º Choose name car that you want to replace name!
3º Give a brand name and a model name (you can just give one name on brand textbox and leave model textbox clear)
4º Save New Name
5º Open GTA SA and be happy
(Optional Step) Choose the language (Portuguese|English)


You can share this tool.. but redirect to main page, and give credits to me!

What is new?

- Delete buttom to reset name of gta sa car!
- Year Textbox!
- Windows XP Version!

Fix the ID 498 missing

-To fix the problem just take "GTASACARS.xml" that you donwload and replace the old one on GTA SA Car Renamer installation folder.

Download FIX


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GTA SA Car Rename V1.1
GTA SA Car Rename V1.1 GTA SA Car Rename V1.1 GTA SA Car Rename V1.1

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