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Roberto de Sable from AC1

Author: MassterGolden900
Date: 07.08.2024
Downloads: 286 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.663 MB

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"You know nothing of schemes, you are but a puppet. He betrayed you boy, just as he betrayed me."

"Did you never wonder how it is he knew so much? Where to find us? How many we numbered? What we aspired to attain?"

"Oui. Master of lies. You and I are just two more pawns in his grand game, and now, with my death, only you remain. Do you think he'll let you live? Knowing what you do?"

"Ironic, isn't it. That I, your greatest enemy, kept you safe from harm. But now you've taken my life and, in the process, ended your own."

Robert de Sablé (c. 1150 – 1191) was the 11th Grand Master of the Knights Templar, reigning from 1190 until his death, and a lieutenant in King Richard I's Crusader army. Born into a powerful family, Robert was immersed in nobility from birth. He eventually became lord and ruler of the Sarthe region of Anjou, France.

Subsequently, Robert entered the order of the Knights Templar and reigned as their Grand Master in 1191. During the Third Crusade, Robert and the Knights Templar, alongside the rest of the Crusader army, laid siege to the city of Acre, which soon fell. Throughout August 1191, they also recaptured many fortresses and cities along the Palestinian coast, which had previously been lost.

Robert was a manipulative individual who was able to recruit various members to the Templar cause by offering them power in their proposed New World. At the same time, he gained King Richard's trust, despite secretly plotting his downfall.

AC1 Solomon's Temple Altair attacks Robert

Nevertheless, the Grand Master believed his plan of bringing peace to humanity through the use of the Apple of Eden to be selfless and noble. He saw the loss of global free will as a necessary price to be paid to achieve his goal, and criticized his former ally Al Mualim for wanting to covetously hold onto the Apple's power rather than spread it among the masses.

Robert was also an ingenious strategist, turning Al Mualim's plan to kill his supporters into a trap to destroy the Assassin Order. In terms of physical skills, he was extremely strong, being able to restrain Altaïr – who himself possessed considerable physical strength – without much difficulty. He was also an expert swordsman, able to almost match Altaïr in battle, and easily stopped the Assassin from killing him with his Hidden Blade inside Solomon's Temple.

However, due to his disregard for the clause in the Latin Rule to not consort with women, Robert was not held in high regard by all of his fellow Templars, among which was his own successor, Armand Bouchart.

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Roberto de Sable from AC1
Roberto de Sable from AC1 Roberto de Sable from AC1 Roberto de Sable from AC1

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