
GTA San Andreas Skins


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Sonic Prime Skin Pack

Author: Manolo122LQ
Date: 25.06.2023
Downloads: 3995 | Statistics
Filesize: 3.122 MB

8.43 based on 7 votes


Hola a todos, en esta ocasiòn les traigo un pequeño pack de skins, esta vez de la serie màs reciente de
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic Prime).
Este pack trae 3 skins;

-Rusty Rose.

-Tails Nine.

-Sonic Biscage Maze.

Para su instalaciòn es muy sencilla, puedes reemplazar a cualquier peatòn en el juego y con el Skin Selector o con el DYOM Mod
puede usar las skins.
Si vas a utilizar estas skins para tus proyectos, por favor dejarme creditos.
Bueno eso a sido todo, si tienen alguna duda o sugerencias me lo puedes decir
tanto en mensaje privado o por los comentarios, sin màs que agregar nos veremos en la proxima.


- Bluwolf (Creador original de los modelos y las texturas).

-Manolo122LQ (Por convertir el modelo para el juego).

-SEGA (Creadores de la serie Sonic Prime).

Hello everyone, this time I bring you a small pack of skins, this time from the most recent series of
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic Prime).
This pack brings 3 skins;

-Rusty Rose.

-Tails Nine.

-Sonic Biscage Maze.

For its installation it is very simple, you can replace any pedestrian in the game and with the Skin Selector or with the DYOM Mod
you can use the skins.
If you are going to use these skins for your projects, please leave me credits.
Well that was all, if you have any questions or suggestions you can tell me
Both in private message or through the comments, without further ado we will see you in the next one.

||===================||Credits||========================= =====||

- Bluwolf (Original creator of models and textures).

-Manolo122LQ (For converting the model for the game).

-SEGA (Creators of the Sonic Prime series).

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Sonic Prime Skin Pack
Sonic Prime Skin Pack Sonic Prime Skin Pack

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