
GTA San Andreas Skins


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The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1

Author: Manolo122LQ
Date: 08.03.2023
Downloads: 1295 | Statistics
Filesize: 6.525 MB

6.00 based on 8 votes


Hola a todos como estan..? espero que bien..! en el dia de hoy les comparto por primera vez un pack de la skin de los personajes de

la serie mexicana creado por Roberto Gomez Bolaños (Q.E.P.D) (El Chavo Del Ocho), desde hace mucho no conseguia ninguna skin

relacionado a la serie del chavo del ocho solo encontraba skins mal hechos, y lo peor es que ya se esta volviendo repetitivo las skin

del Chavo Animando (No estoy en contra de la serie... simplemente no me gustan porque no encajan con la atmofera del juego...),

algunas skins que estaràn en este pack son creados por otras personas y otros fueron hechos por mi usando (Blender v2.59) con el

plugin de importar e exportar modelos (DFF's).

Para su instalaciòn como siempre puedes reemplazar a cualquier peatòn existente en el juego y luego mover la carpeta con las skins a

Modloader de tu (Gta San Andreas), despuès con el (DYOM MOD) pueden utilizar estas skins para cualquier cosa ya sean series

(DYOM) o cualquier otra cosa que ustedes quieran siempre y cuando dejen creditos :)

Bueno espero que les gusten estas skins ya que siendo sincero me costo bastantes en conseguirlos, se que me faltan algunas skins de

alguns personajes de la serie pero en una segunda versiòn incluire a otros personajes, ya que actualmente no cuento con internet propio

por lo que no lo subire por el momento, asi que eso seria todos como dije espero que les gusten este "Mini-pack", y espero poder

traerles màs skins, yo me despido hasta la proxima.

Creditos a los creadores y creadoras por la creaciòn de las skins (c).

By Manolo122Loquendo "Manolo122LQ" (7/3/2023).


Hi everybody how are you..? I hope it's ok..! Today I share for the first time a pack of the skin of the characters of the Mexican

series created by Roberto Gomez Bolaños (RIP) (El Chavo Del Ocho), for a long time I did not get any skin related to the Chavo

series Of the eight I only found poorly made skins, and the worst thing is that the skin of Chavo Animando is already becoming

repetitive (I'm not against the series... I just don't like them because they don't fit with the atmosphere of the game...) , some

skins that will be in this pack are created by other people and others were made by me using (Blender v2.59) with the import and

export models (DFF's) plugin.

For its installation, as always, you can replace any existing pedestrian in the game and then move the

folder with the skins to your Modloader (Gta San Andreas), then with it (DYOM MOD) you can use these skins for anything, be it

series ( DYOM) or anything else you want as long as you leave credits :)

Well I hope you like these skins since to be honest it cost me

a lot to get them, I know that I am missing some skins of some characters from the series but in a second version I will include

other characters, since I currently do not have my own internet so I won't upload it for the moment, so that would be everyone as I

said I hope you like this "Mini-pack", and I hope I can bring you more skins, I say goodbye until next time.

Credits to the creators

and creators for the creation of the skins (c).

By Manolo122Loquendo "Manolo122LQ" (7/3/2023).

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The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1
The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1 The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1 The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1 The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1 The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1 The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1 The Chavo Of The Eight Low Poly V1

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