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Author: | SpyGamingTF2 |
Date: | 13.06.2024 | 11095 Downloads |
Filesize: | 76.547 KB |
Rating: | 10.00 based on 1 votes |
Today I present to you a LasVenturas Safegame, the savegame adds long body armor, Grove Street Families Is all over San Andreas (Except "Bayside") also I added Sindacco Family around "Caligula's Casino" so they'll be able to walk around not inside. (And in "El Brados") I added CJ some of my fav weapons like Minigun, M4, MP5, Nitestick, Desert Eagle, Sniper Rifle, Teargas and other stuff. In the ZIP file I added 2 files which is adds Triads and Aztecas and gives heavy weapons to them and etc.
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