
GTA San Andreas: Savegames

GOD of San Andreas Savegame

Author: Iker_VcWs
Date: 04.05.2024
Downloads: 9530
Filesize: 0.124 MB

8.20 based on 5 votes

(This is for San Andreas PC, NOT FOR MOBILE). No Cheats, This SaveGame was edited with a Savegame Editor (witch does not count as cheats)

- King of San Andreas
- 100% Completed
- All collectibles completed (Thief missions are also completed)
- Hot Coffee Mod enabled
- DriveBy enabled

There are only three standing bands all over the map:
The Grove Families have qonquerned all of San Andreas, Varrio Los Aztecas dominate Los Santos with Grove Families and Triads dominate San Fierro and Las Venturas with Grove Families. (Don't worry, the bands standing respect the player)

Grove Families guns:
- Desert Eagle
- SPAS12
- M4
Varrio Los Aztecas guns:
- Desert Eagle
- SPAS12
- M4
Triads guns:
- Desert Eagle
- MP5
- MP4

Safehouse: Mulholland
- Infinite healt and infinite armor
- All clothes bought
- Max stats
- Have the best weapons of every category

(All vehicles that are stored in the garajes/police departaments have BulletProof, FireProof, ExplosionProof, CollisionProof and PlayerProof)

Johnson House:
- Greenwood
- Savanna
Santa Maria Beach:
- BJ Injection
- Vortex
Rockshore West:
- Banshee
- Windsor
Fort Carson:
- Bandito
- Sanchez
Verdant Meadows:
- Rhino
- Stretch
- Euros
- Wayfarer
Prickle Pine:
- Turismo
- Super GT
Whitewood States:
- BF400
- CFR900
Palomino Creek
- Feltzer
- Freeway
Redlands West:
- PCJ600
- NGR500
El Corona:
- Remington
- Broadway
- Washington
Los Santos Police Departament:
- Enforcer SWAT
- SWAT Tank
- FBI Rancher
San Fierro Police Departament:
- FBI Truck
- Patriot
- Barracks
Calton Heights
- Infernus
- Cheetah
- Bullet
- ZR-350
Doherty Garaje:
- TowTruck
- Cabbie
- Phoenix
- Jester
- Sultan (del coito jajaja referencia a tiktoker xdddddd no me hagan caso)
Verdant Meadows Airport:
- Seasparrow
- Cargobob
- Police Maverick
- News Maverick (News Chopper)

Fact: To enter the police departaments, you must go with a police car (Police LS, Police SF, Police LV o Police Ranger)

That's all, Thank You for reading and enjoy!!! :)

PD: The Second Savegame is the firs, only that it is more G.S Gangster

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GOD of San Andreas Savegame
GOD of San Andreas Savegame GOD of San Andreas Savegame GOD of San Andreas Savegame GOD of San Andreas Savegame

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