
GTA San Andreas Mods


Mods for GTA SA Mobile

Zombie Mod for Android v1.2

Author: Heinz30, Bull.04 and Arshi678
Date: 17.04.2016
Downloads: 21174 | Statistics
Filesize: 12.877 MB

5.50 based on 2 votes

Zombie Mod for Android v1.2
By: Heinz30
Other Mods Used:
*Zombie Skin Pack made by Bull_04 and ported by Heinz30
*Peds Behave and Stats by Arshi678

*Please ask my permission before editing this mod. If you want to reupload this somewhere, please put my name and the creator of the other mods listed on credits.
*You have an idea to improve this mod? Comment or email me.
*Wanna help me improve this mod? Comment or email me.
*Sorry this is just a minor update, so I doesn't have too much, I need more ideas.

*Zombies (They are actually peds, but are programmed to pursue the player)
*No cars spawning but there some are still parked in their respective places
*Scary Timecyc
*Cool Zombie Walking and Attacking (I didn't steal this, so don't accuse me for anything)
*When you are down, zombies try to destroy your head as shown in the screenshot
*Works better if you activate the "everyoneattacksplayer" cheat code

Update v1.1:
*Updated the animations of some melee weapons
*Is punching too slow? Try using a brass knuckle to improve hand-to-hand combat.
*Try adding the CLEO Script named openhouses, that way you could scavenge inside houses. I couldn't put it here because I have no permission from the owner, so this is a sort of referral.

Update v1.2:
*New zombie skins! Thanks to Bull_04 for making this awesome mod and for allowing us to use his mod on our mod pack.
*High HP for all Zombies, now a swarm of zombies is very deadly.
*Reworked the weapon.dat. Reduced Melee weapon knockback and higher damage to match zombie HP. Note that the zombies also deal higher damage.
*Removed Gangs, to avoid shootouts.
*Peds are more fearless, gunshots won't scare them that much.
*Wanna make temporary bases? Try adding the CLEO Script named roadblockspawner. I couldn't put it here because I have no permission from the owner, so this is a sort of referral.

Next Update Plans:
*Rework on the popcycle.dat, since the 1.2 version had cars spawning, in which it shouldn't be.
*Give more ideas please.

*Put all files in Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa
*Make sure you put all the files in their proper places, bugs may occur if you don't (If you remove ped.ifp, the animations will be removed.)
*Import the textures provided (PNG) using txdfucker, without alpha in gta3.txt. Copy it, then paste it to Android/data/com.rockstargames.gtasa/files/texdb/

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Zombie Mod for Android v1.2
Zombie Mod for Android v1.2 Zombie Mod for Android v1.2 Zombie Mod for Android v1.2 Zombie Mod for Android v1.2 Zombie Mod for Android v1.2 Zombie Mod for Android v1.2

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