
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

Vehicle Immune Premium

Author: Johnson047 | Email
Date: 16.12.2015
Downloads: 29006 | Statistics
Filesize: 26.445 KB

9.10 based on 10 votes

Description :

This mod will make the vehicle you drive will be fully invulnerable

Feature :
- Invulnerability, this mod will make the vehicle you drive being immune to bullet, fire, explosions, collision, and melee damage. And this mod will make your Vehicle tires is Invulnerable.
- Not Affected by All Vehicle Destroyed Cheat (CPKTNWT or ALLCARSGOBOOM).
- Auto Repair, if your vehicle you want to drive is damage, then drive the vehicle and your Vehicle will repaired automatically + fully invulnerable
- Compatible for Any Mission except Reuniting The Families Mission, this mod doesn't work in Reuniting The Families Mission when CJ told to drive by a police car.
- Works for all types of vehicles that have been driven by CJ.

Bugs :

1. when CJ told to drive by a police car in Reuniting The Families Mission, This mod doesn't work.

Please read this!!! :

1. Dont steal this mod!! I dont have tolerance to stealer, I will add your name in Stealer List if you steal this mod!!
2. If you want to edit this mod. You dont need my permission if you use this mod as Private Mod / just use this mod in your game. Please contact me to have my permission if you edit this mod and publish it to public. If you edit this mod and publish it to public without my permission, I will add your name in Stealer List!!!
3. Contact me to have my permission if you want to reupload this mod. If you reupload this mod without my permission, I will add your name in Illegal Reuploader List!!!
4. If you want to add this mod to your Modpack or Total Conversion, please contact me to have my permission!! If you add this mod to your modpack or Total Conversion without my permission, I also add your name in Stealer List!!!.

Stealer List :

Dont steal this mod if you dont want your name in here.
If you reedit this mod and publish it to public without my permission, I also add your name in here.
If you add this mod to your modpack or Total Conversion without my permission, I also add your name in here.

Illegal Reuploader List :

Dont reupload this mod without my permission if you dont want your name in here.

Installation :

Just copy CLEO Folder and paste him in your GTA SA Directory.

How to use this mod :

This mod automatic active. So, you dont need keypress to activate this mod

Much Credit and Thanks to Seemann, Deji, Alien
Seemann create a Sanny Builder and CLEO Library, Deji and Alien help Seemann to create a CLEO Library

Much thanks to Rockstar North and Rockstar Games
Rockstar North Develop GTA San Andreas, and Rockstar Games publish it.

And Much thanks to HAF for give me script to fix a Just Business Mission Bug while CJ riding the bike, the bike will destroyed

Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/54)
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Mod Report

Are you the owner of this mod? If someone has stolen your work, you can make a request for removing this mod.

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Vehicle Immune Premium
Vehicle Immune Premium Vehicle Immune Premium

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