By TheNathanNS, Automan, ItsGamerTime & Fastman92
1.) Who did what
TheNathanNS: Setting up the files so the cars could be loaded into GTA SA
Automan: Making the vehicles
Fastman92: Car spawner and the GTA SA Limit Adjuster
ItsGamerTime: BF Bifta vehicle mod
2.) Update list
Increased new-car spawn rate.
The following cars have been added:
Invetero Coquette
Obey 9F Cabrio
Benefactor Schafter
Pegassi Infernus
Karin Sultan
Lampadati Felon
Karin Futo
Dinka Blista Compact (PS4/Xbox One/PC version of GTA V only)
Karin Asterope
Declasse Stallion (PS4/Xbox One/PC version of GTA V only)
Fixed a crash that would occur when the player tried to enter/exit the BF Bifta.
The Car spawner is now configured to only show the added cars.
Changed some of the car's groups around in cargrp.dat.
The following cars have been added:
Dewbauchee Massacro
Dinka Jester
Pegassi Vacca
Benefactor Schwartzer
Benefactor Dubsta 6x6
Grotti Cheetah
Canis Mesa
Bravado Banshee
Bravado Buffalo S
Annis Elegy RH8
BF Bifta
The following cars have been added:
Declasse Sabre GT Turbo
Enus Huntley S
Vapid Bullet GT
Coil Voltic
Obey Tailgater
Karin Kuruma
Pegassi Zentorno
Grotti Carbonizzare
Benefactor Panto
Solved the crashing bug.
In v2, I accidentally supplied the v1 config.
This version should work as the limits have been changed appropriately.
The following cars have been added (that were not present in V1)
Lampadati Furore
Truffade Adder
Albany Roosevelt
Hijack Khameleon
Truffade Z-Type
Declasse Rhapsody
Grotti Turismo R
The sound bug was fixed, all cars now have an engine sound
All vehicles have their proper GTA V name. For example, the Issi now says "Weeny Issi" and "F620" now says "Ocelot F620".
3.) Description
This mod brings vehicles to GTA SA without replacing them.
The cars are made by Automan and I have recieved his permission to use his mods for this mod.
The only car not made by Automan is the BF Bifta, which is made by ItsGamerTime.
I made this because Automan does some fantastic mods but some of his mods require you to add the vehicles to GTA SA, not replace, which, not everyone can do.
So I asked Automan if I could use his cars for this and he said yes. (Picture attached for proof).
The mod features:
* Actual names (I.E Pegassi Zentorno, Vapid Bullet GT)
* ENB compatible vehicles
* Vehicles spawn in traffic
* Low end PC friendly
* Unique handing.cfg lines
4.) Installation
Make a backup of the DATA folder, CLEO folder and, if you already use Fastman92's limit adjuster, your original .ini configuration.
Once you've made a backup of everything, simply drag and drop all the files into the GTA SA folder.
In the folder "Add to GTA3.IMG", add the contents of that folder to the gta3.img with any IMG editing tool of your choice.
If your game does crash, then you've either installed it wrong or a conflicting mod. For example, AFAIK, you can't have 2 limit adjuster's.
Likewise don't use any CLEO mods that require useage of the "3" button.
If you are experiencing crashing, please check the attached "troubleshooting.txt" file.
When you've installed everything, press 3 when you've loaded GTA SA up and you'll see a menu pop up. Browse through the menu and find any car you like. The cars I have added have the following names
Lampadati Casco
Coquette Classic
Ocelot f620
Weeny Issi
Dewbauchee JB 700
Bollokan Prairie
Lampadati Furore
Truffade Adder
Albany Roosevelt
Hijack Khameleon
Truffade Z-Type
Declasse Rhapsody
Grotti Turismo R
Declasse Sabre GT Turbo
Enus Huntley S
Vapid Bullet GT
Coil Voltic
Obey Tailgater
Karin Kuruma
Pegassi Zentorno
Grotti Carbonizzare
Benefactor Panto
Dewbauchee Massacro
Dinka Jester
Pegassi Vacca
Benefactor Schwartzer
Benefactor Dubsta 6x6
Grotti Cheetah
Canis Mesa
Bravado Banshee
Bravado Buffalo S
Annis Elegy RH8
BF Bifta
Invetero Coquette
Obey 9F Cabrio
Benefactor Schafter
Pegassi Infernus
Karin Sultan
Lampadati Felon
Karin Futo
Dinka Blista Compact
Karin Asterope
Declasse Stallion
Press space to get in the car and enjoy.
Drive around San Andreas. They do spawn in traffic. (Occasionally)
I've noticed the Zentorno spawns around Las Venturas, the Entity and the Adder around Grove Street and the Furore around San Fierro.
The Mesa and Dubsta 6x6 spawn in the desert, near Verdant Meadows.
5.) Bugs
The Hijack Khamelion appears blank in the spawner.
I do not know why.
Most of the cars can be driven into the mod shop, however, putting some mods on the added vehicles will crash.
You can still change color, wheels and add hydrualics without issue.
There is a possible crash if using the first person mod with some of these cars.
From my own experiences, cars like the Roosevelt are fine, but cards like the Dubsta 6x6 crash if first person mode is entered.
6.) Credits
Mod configured up by TheNathanNS
Vehicles rigged from GTA V by Automan
Limit Adjuster and Car Spawner by Fastman92
BF Bifta model by ItsGamerTime