
GTA San Andreas Mods


CLEO Modifications

CoverMod v1.3

Author: ArtemQa146
Date: 10.09.2023
Downloads: 33091 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.15 MB

10.00 based on 19 votes

The modification adds the ability to hide behind a wall, an object or a car, with the ability to conduct targeted fire or blind fire.
- You can conduct aimed fire coming out a little from around the corner, or if it is a low obstacle getting up;
- The fire is conducted blindly while remaining in hiding;
- You can move both sitting and standing;
- It is possible to run over to the nearest obstacle identical to your direction;
- It is possible to sit down or stand up at any time, also the main character will first determine the height of the obstacle himself and decide which pose to take;
- Moving along the obstacle, the main character can turn a little himself, so if there is a wall up to 90 degrees in front of you, the main character will turn and walk along it already.
- In this mode, the weapon switches with GTA4/GTA5 style animation

Update 11.04.2024
- Added the ability to roll forward at any time. If there is a wall in front of the player during the somersault, the player will enter the "Cover" mode automatically (Space + C keys). The animation is taken from the "gta Revolution" channel (by 69iqalt)
- A small optimization of the script;
- Automatic detection of the player's device (Keyboard or gamepad).

(Fix) 28.03.2024
Fixed a bug where gang members teleported to the player (69iqalt)

- Added support for gamepads. You can switch the control in the .ini file. By default, activation is on the "sit down" key, aka the left stick L3;
- Fixed a crash when the main character is arrested;
- Added checks in case of death of the main character during blind shooting. Now the hero stops shooting after death.

- Now if you approach the wall at a wrong angle and press the activation key, the main character will turn in the direction in which he was directed. Previously, the "Cover" was activated only at right angles and the player always turned to the right;
- Added the ability to throw blind grenades, Molotov cocktails, remote explosives (satchel) and activate it from around the corner;
- Improved interaction with transport. Previously, it was observed that the player did not react to some transport at all, or turned incorrectly;
- When a player without a weapon (or with a melee weapon) and you pressed the aiming key, the player just looked out. Now, along with this, the player's viewing angle increases, which makes this feature more useful. The viewing angle can be adjusted in .ini;
- Now you can run with any type of weapon and without it;
- Added a parameter to the .ini to adjust the delay between shots during blind shooting. For those who have shots displayed incorrectly;
- Fixed when the player could not shoot blindly while sitting due to a low obstacle;
- Fixed when a player with a remote explosive (satchel) could not come out of the corner;
- Fixed when a player could switch from running to walking for no reason.

- Now while shooting blind, you can control the aiming left and right independently. The player will turn after the player's camera;
- Added the ability to shoot blindly from a sitting position;
- Added the ability to edit the speed of the reversal in the .ini file;
- Fixed animation when returning from aiming while sitting when the player got up and sat down twice;
- Fixed when the player turned to face the wall in one of the animations.

Approach the obstacle with your face and press - C (Can be changed in .ini)
Use standard controls to move left or right.
For aimed fire - RMB (if you release the key, the player will return to the shelter)
For blind fire - LMB (standing only. there are weapons not available for blind fire)
To sit down or stand up - C
To change weapons - by holding Space, you can switch weapons as in a normal game.
In order to run to the nearest wall - the Direction and Space keys (only with firearms in hand)
To exit mode - F (Can be changed in .ini)

Cleo 4.4

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CoverMod v1.3
CoverMod v1.3 CoverMod v1.3

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