
GTA San Andreas Mods


Mods for GTA SA Mobile

Terminal Los Santos

Author: Nesthor05
Website | Email
Date: 22.04.2019
Downloads: 17713 | Statistics
Filesize: 7.187 MB

10.00 based on 5 votes

======= TERMINA LURBANA EN Ls =======

Gracias por descargar este mod:

Se trata de una terminal para camiones, busestas y combis urbanas, se encuentra en los santos..

la terminal cuenta con:

-> Bancas de Espera
-> Sanitarios
-> Puestos de comida
-> Casetas para checadores o boleteros
-> Topes

Adicionalmente incluye dos cleos (Solo Usar 1)

El V1.

Un bus, Brabura y elegy

Este es perfecto cuando tienes combis y camones

El V2.

Agrega un Bus y un Flatbed

Perfecto si quieres agregar solo dos camiones de diferentes rutas

======= END LURBANA IN Ls =======

Thanks for downloading this mod:

It is a terminal for trucks, buses and urban combis, is in the saints ..

The terminal has:

-> Waiting Banks
-> Sanitary
-> Food stalls
-> Booths for checkers or ticket holders
-> Tops

Additionally it includes two kernels (Only Use 1)

The V1.

A bus, Brabura and elegy

This is perfect when you have combis and trucks

The V2.

Add a Bus and a Flatbed

Perfect if you want to add only two trucks of different routes

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Terminal Los Santos
Terminal Los Santos Terminal Los Santos Terminal Los Santos Terminal Los Santos

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