
GTA San Andreas Mods


Mods for GTA SA Mobile

Weight Control Point V2

Author: Nesthor05
Website | Email
Date: 08.04.2019
Downloads: 10346 | Statistics
Filesize: 16.715 MB

10.00 based on 2 votes

======= Control de peso V2 =======

Debido al exito que tubo el punto de control de pesonpara camiones en laa venruras, decidio hacer otro punto esta vez ubicado en la carretera libre que rodea loa santos jusyo a un lado de la gasolineria de montgomery.

El mod simula una bascula para camiones e incluye:

-> Estacionamiento lara patrullas
-> Estacionamiento para camiones (no trailers)
-> Oficinas
-> Bascula

El cleo agrega:

-> Policias
-> yankee
-> Copcarru
-> Tecnico manipulando la bascula
-> habitante hablando con un policia en un escritorio

======= Weight control V2 =======

Due to the success of the control point of weight for trucks in the neighborhood, he decided to make another point this time located on the free road that surrounds the santos jusyo on the side of the montgomery gas station.

The mod simulates a truck scale and includes:

-> Parking for patrols
-> Parking for trucks (not trailers)
-> Offices
-> Scale

The kernel adds:

-> Police
-> yankee
-> Copcarru
-> Technician manipulating the scale
-> inhabitant talking to a policeman at a desk

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Weight Control Point V2
Weight Control Point V2 Weight Control Point V2 Weight Control Point V2 Weight Control Point V2 Weight Control Point V2 Weight Control Point V2 Weight Control Point V2

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