
GTA San Andreas Maps


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Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV)

Author: Fd030501
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Date: 09.08.2016
Downloads: 16177 | Statistics
Filesize: 51.076 KB

9.73 based on 11 votes

This is a small map modification, I added lights to SF and both LV train stations. Also there are some boxcars in the Sobell train yard and at the SF train station, If you have already a map modification in this zones, I don't recommend you to install since You can erase the other map modifications, but if not your good to go. Sorry for my bad english, I did this map modification with MED 3.2, if you have questions ask me in the comments please. If there's a problem contact me so I can help.

The train traffic lights aren't from this mod, I got them from the train on both tracks mod.

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Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV)
Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV) Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV) Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV) Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV) Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV) Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV) Better Train Stations Map (SF and LV)

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