Author: | [Ro]Wippy, SerbianMods, Radu Cristian, MikeyRO Website | Email |
Date: | 07.04.2021 |
Downloads: | 2212 | Statistics |
Filesize: | 4.429 MB |
Rating: | Disabled |
Original authors: SerbianMods, Radu Cristian, MikeyRO
Edited by: Wippy's Garage
Description about ANAF:
" Agenția Națională de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF) este un organ de specialitate al administrației publice centrale din România[1]. A fost înființată la data de 1 octombrie 2003 în subordinea Ministerului Finanțelor Publice. Începând cu ianuarie 2004 a devenit operațională, dobândind calitatea de instituție cu personalitate juridică proprie, prin desprinderea direcțiilor cu atribuții în administrarea veniturilor statului din cadrul Ministerului Finanțelor Publice.
ANAF are rolul de a asigura resursele pentru cheltuielile publice ale statului prin colectarea și administrarea eficace și eficientă a impozitelor, taxelor, contribuțiilor și a altor sume datorate bugetului general consolidat.
EN (Google Translate):
"The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) is a specialized body of the central public administration in Romania [1]. It was established on October 1, 2003 under the Ministry of Public Finance. Starting with January 2004 it became operational, acquiring the quality of institution with its own legal personality, by detaching the directorates with attributions in the administration of state revenues within the Ministry of Public Finance.
The role of NAFA is to ensure the resources for the public expenditures of the state through the effective and efficient collection and administration of taxes, fees, contributions and other amounts due to the general consolidated budget.
- Qualitative model;
- High-quality textures;
- Working optics;
- Supports basic gaming features.
Replacing: burrito.txd / buritto.dff
- High-quality model
- High-quality interior
- Quality tires and wheels
- HQ Salon
- Realistic headlights;
- Own shadow;
- The location of the driver is correct.
- Model perfectly adapted to the ENB.
- Qualitative structures of the car.
- Works fine in SA-MP/MTA:SA
- Fixed wheels
- Fixed suspension
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