
GTA San Andreas Cars


GTA V Cars

GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace)

Author: memeboi | Email
Date: 30.08.2020
Downloads: 9992 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.875 MB

9.44 based on 16 votes

"Powerful, understated, reliable. You have absolutely none of these qualities,
so it's important to you that your car does. The new Benefactor Schafter screams corporate anonymity just as much as its predecessor,
so to justify the massive price hike we've thrown in a few flourishes and
a plush interior where you can screw your secretary's secretary in comfort."

The Benefactor Schafter v12 is a luxury sedan introduced into GTA Online
as part of the "Executives and Other Criminals" update. the Schafter v12 is
high preformance variant of the normal schafter, based off the 2012 Brabus E V12 sedan
now available for GTA San Andreas replacing the elegant by default.

-100% original scale.
-replaces "Elegant".
-No extras lol.
-Three color options (1.-lower body 2.-upper body 3.-interior).
-Tunable, only spoiler.
-ped_arm dummy
-SA vehicle materials
-Custom cleo name
-Vehfuncs benefits: working steering wheel

Also thanks to Son of Big Boss for helping me with the welding stuff

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GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace)
GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace) GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace) GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace) GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace) GTA V: Benefactor Schafter v12 (1.5 /Addon & Replace)

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