
GTA San Andreas Cars



GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ]

Author: jalbert1998
Date: 24.07.2020
Downloads: 7558 | Statistics
Filesize: 3.211 MB

10.00 based on 13 votes


"¿Eres alguien que necesita una gran canioneta consumidora de gasolina y totalmente insegura? pero no tines suficiente dinero para comprarte un Cavalcade, entonces la Grand Rancher es para ti! basicamemente la Cavalcade es una copia de la Grand Rancher pero con cinturones de seguridad y mucho mas costosa"

* Vehiculo Convertido desde GTA IV y editado por mi.(Archivos de Codigo Abierto, solo creditos para uarlo o resubirlo)
* Añadido RANCHER para reemplazar (Aunque puedes reemplazarlo por el que tu quieras o agregarlo sin sustituir)
* Nuevo Frontal
* Ruedas Clasicas
* Carroceria en 2 Tonos
* Vidrios Tintables con el 3er Color (viene negro por defecto)
* Textura del Interior Personalizada.
* Incluye 5 Paintjobs que cambian el color del interior.
* Suciedad SA Style
* 6 Extras Diferentes

* Incluye 3 Versiones:

• SA Lights
• IV Lights (Solo con IVF)
• Solo Vehfuncs

* Todas Las Versiones estan adaptadas a IVF y VehFuncs.

* Caracteristicas de Improved Vehicles Features (Todas las Versiones):

• Luces Direccionales
• Luces de Reversa
• Luces Antiniebla
• Volante Funcional

* Caracteristicas de VehFuncs (Todas Las Versiones):

• Limpiaparabrisas Funcionales
• Vibracion en el Motor
• Seleccion Aleatoria de Texturas del Interior (Paintjobs)

* Caracteristicas de VehFuncs (Solo para Version VehFuncs):

• Volante Funcional
• 2 Ruedas diferentes
• Extras Con Diferentes Variaciones de Textura y Color(21 partes individuales que varian en el Chasis)
• Extra de Defensa delantera con Daños

*Recuerda Tener instalados VehFuncs de Junior_Djjr en su version 2.1 o superior e Improved Vehicles Features de Dk22pac en su version 2.1.1 o superior para el optimo funcionamiento:


"Are you someone who needs a big gasoline consuming SUV and totally insecure? But you don't have enough money to buy a Cavalcade, so the Grand Rancher is for you! Basically the Cavalcade is a copy of the Grand Rancher but with seat belts and much more expensive"

* Vehicle Converted from GTA IV and edited by me (Open Source Files, only credits to use or re-upload it)
* Added RANCHER to replace (Although you can replace it with the one you want or add it without replacing)
* New Frontal
* Classic Wheels
* Body in 2 Tones
* Tinted Glasses with the 3rd Color (comes black by default)
* Custom Interior Texture.
* Includes 5 Paintjobs that change the color of the interior.
* SA Style dirt
* 6 Different Extras

* Includes 3 Versions:

• SA Lights
• IV Lights (Only with IVF)
• Vehfuncs only

* All Versions are adapted to IVF and VehFuncs.

* Improved Vehicles Features (All Versions):

• Turn signals
• Reverse lights
• Fog lights
• Functional Steering Wheel

* VehFuncs Features (All Versions):

• Functional Wipers
• Vibration in the Motor
• Random Selection of Interior Textures (Paintjobs)

* VehFuncs Features (Only for VehFuncs Version):

• Functional Steering Wheel
• 2 different wheels
• Extras With Different Variations of Texture and Color (21 individual parts that vary in the Chassis)
• Extra Front Defense with Damage

* Remember to have VehFuncs of Junior_Djjr installed in version 2.1 or higher and Improved Vehicles Features of

Dk22pac in version 2.1.1 or higher for optimal performance:

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GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ]
GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ] GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ] GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ] GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ] GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ] GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ] GTA IV Declasse Grand Rancher [VEHFUNCS|IVF|PJ]

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