
GTA San Andreas Cars



Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ]

Author: jalbert1998
Date: 10.07.2020
Downloads: 7320 | Statistics
Filesize: 2.147 MB

9.73 based on 15 votes


SAVANNA original de GTA SA con nuevas mejoras.

* Logos de DECLASSE provenientes de GTA IV
* Logo de SAVANNA hecho por mi
* Nueva textura REMAP
* Nueva Textura de Parrillera
* Nuevo Volante 3D
* Pintable en 3 colores:
1: Carroceria
2: Interior
3: Tinte del Vidrio (Viene Negro por Defecto)
* Nuevas Ruedas 3D
* Contiene 5 Trabajos de Pintura:

3 - Estilo Lowrider
1 - Flamas
1 - Bombardero Declasse

Adaptaciones a InVehFt:

- Luces direccionales (Delanteras y Traseras)
- Luces de Reversa
- Volante Funcional

* Como extras Tiene:
- 6 Texturas para el Interior (incluidas en la descarga 8 Texturas en .PNG para que elijan a su gusto editando con ayuda del Txd Workshop)
- 4 Equipos de sonido (diferentes combinaciones de colores)
- Antenas
- sensores de acera
Pudiendo Aparecer con 6 Combinaciones distintas de estos.

* Todos Los Accesorios usados son Low o Mid Poly, es decir encajan Perfectamente en el Ambiente del Juego (son SA Style)

*Recuerda Tener instalado Improved Vehicles Features de Dk22pac en su version 2.1.1 o superior para el optimo funcionamiento:

*Auque igualmente funcionara sin la animacion de las luces extras en caso de no tener instalado el ImVehFt


Original SAVANNA from GTA SA with new improvements.

* DECLASSE logos from GTA IV
* SAVANNA logo made by me
* New REMAP texture
* New Grill Texture
* New 3D Steering Wheel
* Paintable in 3 colors:
1: Body
2: Interior
3: Glass tint (Comes Black by Default)
* New Wheels 3D
* Contains 5 PaintJobs:

3 - Lowrider style
1 - Flames
1 - Declasse Bomber

Adaptations to InVehFt:

- Directional lights (Front and Rear)
- Reverse lights
- Functional Steering Wheel

* As extras It has:
- 6 Textures for the Interior (included in the download 8 Textures in .PNG for you to choose to your liking by editing with the help of the Txd Workshop)
- 4 sound equipment (different color combinations)
- antennas
- curb feelers
Being able to Appear with 6 different Combinations of these.

* All Accessories used are Low or Mid Poly, that is, they fit Perfectly in the Environment of the Game (they are SA Style)

* Remember to have installed Improved Vehicles Features of Dk22pac in version 2.1.1 or higher for optimal performance:

* Although it will also work without the animation of the extra lights in case you don't have ImVehFt installed

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Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ]
Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ] Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ] Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ] Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ] Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ] Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ] Declasse Savanna [IVF|EXTRAS|BADGES|PJ]

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