
GTA San Andreas Cars


GTA V Cars

GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries]

Author: jalbert1998, Automan
Date: 01.07.2020
Downloads: 4214 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.146 MB

10.00 based on 16 votes


DECLASSE MAMBA original de GTA V adaptado a GTA SA y a los mods de Improved Vehicles Features y VehFuncs.

* Añadido FELTZER para reemplazar (Aunque puedes reemplazarlo por el que tu quieras o agregarlo sin sustituir)
* Texturas de luces originales de GTA SA
* Textura de Placa Original de GTA SA
* Vidrios Tintables con el 3er Color (Viene Negro por Defecto)
* Incluye 10 Trabajos de pintura (5 en Archivos .txd listos para instalar y los otros 5 en imagenes .png para que los agregen a su gusto con el Txd Workshop)

* Adaptaciones a InVehFt:

- Luces Antiniebla
- Luces Direccionales ( Solo Traseras)
- Luces de Reversa

*Cracteristicas de VehFuncs:

*Volante Funcional
*Vibracion en el motor y escape

-Custom (50% de posibilidades de que aparezca con un PJ)


- 3 Faros Antiniebla
- 8 Faldones Frontales (8: Custom, 4: Normal)
- 2 Bases de los Faros (cromados y negro mate)
- 1 Teipes en forma de "X" para los Faros Frontales
- 4 Tomas de aire laterales
- 2 Capots
- 4 Techos Solidos
- 10 Roll Bars (10: Custom, 5: Normal)
- 2 Parabrisas
- 4 Escapes (4: Custom, 2: Normal)
- 4 Ruedas
- 2 Etiquetas Atomic para los Cauchos

* En la mayoria de los extras lo que varia es el color o Textura del mismo.

* Todos Los Accesorios usados son fueron convertidos a GTA SA por AUTOMAN.

*Recuerda Tener instalados VehFuncs de Junior_Djjr en su version 2.07 o superior y Improved Vehicles Features de Dk22pac en su version 2.1.1 o superior para el optimo funcionamiento:

*Auque igualmente funcionara sin la animacion de las luces extras en caso de no tener instalado el ImVehFt


DECLASSE MAMBA original from GTA V adapted to GTA SA and Improved Vehicles Features and VehFuncs mods.

* Added FELTZER to replace (Although you can replace it with the one you want or add it without replacing)
* GTA SA original light textures
* Original Plate Texture from GTA SA
* Tinted Glasses with the 3rd Color (Comes Black by Default)
* Includes 10 paint jobs (5 in .txd files ready to install and the other 5 in .png images so that add them to your liking with the Txd Workshop)

* Adaptations to InVehFt:

- Fog lights
- Directional Lights (Rear Only)
- Reverse lights

* VehFuncs Features:

* Functional Steering Wheel
* Vibration in the engine and exhaust

* Classes:

-Custom (50% chance that it will appear with a PJ)

* Extras:

- 3 Fog Lamps
- 8 Front Skirts (8: Custom, 4: Normal)
- 2 Headlight Bases (chrome and matt black)
- 1 Tapes in "X" Shape for the Headlights
- 4 side air intakes
- 2 Hoods
- 4 Solid Ceilings
- 10 Roll Bars (10: Custom, 5: Normal)
- 2 Windshield
- 4 Exhausts (4: Custom, 2: Normal)
- 4 wheels
- 2 Atomic Labels for Rubbers

* In most of the extras what varies is its color or Texture.

* All used accessories are converted to GTA SA by AUTOMAN.

* Remember to have installed VehFuncs of Junior_Djjr in version 1.9 or higher and Improved Vehicles Features of Dk22pac in version 2.1.1 or higher for optimal performance:

* Although it will also work without the animation of the extra lights in case you don't have ImVehFt installed

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GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries]
GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries] GTA V Declasse Mamba [VehFuncs|IVF|Liveries]

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