
GTA San Andreas Cars



Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras]

Author: jalbert1998
Date: 01.06.2020
Downloads: 3889 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.103 MB

9.62 based on 13 votes


Benefactor Panto SA Style usando como base el Sweeper original de GTA SA.

* Logos de BENEFACTOR y PANTO provenientes de GTA V
* Mas Estrecho
* Parte posterior adaptada estilo Hatchback (incluyendo Maletero Funcional)
* Motor en la parte posterior(incluyendo Capot funcional)
* Pintable en 2 colores:
1: Parte Superior
2: Parte Inferior y Espejos Retrovisores
* Nuevas Ruedas
* Contiene 5 Trabajos de Pintura que le cambian la Textura al Color secundario:
- Sticker BOOM
- Fibra de Carbono
- Rombos
- Puros Graficos
- Gotas
* Como extras Tiene:
- 3 Mataburritos XD
- 3 Racks
- 2 Kits de Faldones
- 1 Tow Hook
Pudiendo Aparecer con 6 Combinaciones distintas de estos.

* Todos Los Accesorios usados son Low o Mid Poly, es decir encajan Perfectamente en el Ambiente del Juego (son SA Style)

*Recuerda Tener instalado Improved Vehicles Features de Dk22pac en su version 2.1.1 o superior para el optimo funcionamiento:

*Auque igualmente funcionara sin la animacion de las luces extras en caso de no tener instalado el ImVehFt.

Benefactor Panto SA Style using the original GTA SA Sweeper as a base.

* Logos of BENEFACTOR and PANTO from GTA V
* More narrow
* Hatchback-style tailored back (including Functional Trunk)
* Engine at the rear (including functional hood)
* Paintable in 2 colors:
  1: Top
  2: Bottom and Rearview Mirrors
* New Wheels
* Contains 5 Paint Jobs that change the Texture to the secondary Color:
- Sticker BOOM
- Carbon fiber
- Rhombuses
- Pure Graphics
- Drops
* As extras It has:
- 3 Grill Guard
- 3 Racks
- 2 Skirt Kits
- 1 Tow Hook
Being able to Appear with 6 different Combinations of these.

* All Accessories used are Low or Mid Poly, that is, they fit Perfectly in the Environment of the Game (they are SA Style)

* Remember to have installed Improved Vehicles Features of Dk22pac in its version 2.1.1 or higher for optimal functioning:

* Although it will also work without the animation of the extra lights in case you don't have ImVehFt installed

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Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras]
Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras] Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras] Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras] Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras] Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras] Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras] Benefactor Panto [SA Style|IVF|PJ|Badges|Extras]

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