
GTA San Andreas Cars



Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges]

Author: jalbert1998
Date: 04.05.2020
Downloads: 3261 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.649 MB

9.17 based on 12 votes


Bobcat original de GTA SA adaptada a una camioneta de drag, inspirada en la Farmtruck de "Carreras Prohibidas"

* Logos de VAPID y BOBCAT procedentes de GTA IV
* Sustituido el Logo del porton trasero por uno de FARMTRUCK hecho por mi
* 3era Luz de Freno y luces antiniebla
* Nuevas ruedas
* Motor V8
* Matricula Frontal de North Yankton con la iscripcion de Farmtruck
* Nuevo esquema de pintura (3 tonos en la carroceria)
* Nueva Textura de Oxido
* Posee como extras: 2 Tomas de Aire Diferentes, Roll Bar, barra anti wheelie, lona en la caja y espoiler, pudiendo aparecer en 5 combinaciones diferentes con estos, y como 6to Extra puede aparecer con el kit de "FARMTRUCK"

* Todos Los Accesorios usados son Low o Mid Poly, es decir, encajan Perfectamente en el Ambiente del Juego (son SA Style)


Original GTA SA Bobcat adapted to a drag truck, inspired by the Farmtruck from "Street Outlaws"

* VAPID and BOBCAt logos from GTA IV
* Replaced the logo on the tailgate with one of FARMTRUCK made by me
* 3rd Brake Light and fog lights
* New wheels
* V8 engine
* North Yankton Front Plate with Farmtruck inscription
* New paint scheme (3 tones in the body)
* New Rusty Texture
* It has as extras: 2 Different Air Intakes, Roll Bar, anti wheelie bar, canvas in the box and spoiler, being able to appear in 5 different combinations with these, and as 6th Extra it can appear with the "FARMTRUCK" kit.

* All Accessories used are Low or Mid Poly, that is, they fit Perfectly in the Environment of the Game (they are SA Style)

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Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges]
Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges] Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges] Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges] Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges] Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges] Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges] Vapid Bobcat Farmtruck [Extras|Badges]

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