Yepay, most People here are German. They aren't good in English.
BTW: I'm German too
Everythng is fine, but, if you look at the pic. 4 you can see the truck's front tires are like there is a bug or something. I wouldnt expect somtheing like that from this very wanted game.
yeaaaaaah LA!!!
And finite Crown Vic beauties, AWEEESOME!!!
I'm looking forward to destroy them in an awesome fight hahahaha
Anyways it looks just AMAZING!!! I can't wait!
That picture with the plane is beautiful :D. But the rest looks like gta iv, only with different cars (except the infernus) and a different country :(
GTA 5 + Graphic + Ram = /-.-\
fuck my fucking shit of PC
I cant run that
looks so fucking raw
The pictures are going to be better and better and io think i will buy this game too :)
Looks good , but car seems like from IV , even the textures match..
I feel weird... like I'm the only person who knows proper grammar
das wasser sieht real aus und lol der infernus von gta 4
das sieht echt hammer geil aus *-*
wüsste nur zu gerne was für system voraussetzungen man benötigt, da ich mir bald einen neuen pc zusammen stellen will und keine lust habe dann nach 1-2 monate später neue teile zu kaufen.
wenn einer eine ungefähre schätzung hat was man sich für ein pc zusammen stellen sollte wäre ich für jede info dankbar :)