
GTA 5 Skins


New look / model

4K Lana Final 1.0

Author: PVO.
Date: 28.03.2020
Downloads: 6336 | Statistics
Filesize: 25.571 MB

9.10 based on 10 votes

Original model & textures by : alex189 & saldin93
Retextured by PVO in 4K resolution.

Premission granted to upload this from alex189.

Includes :
Hair color.
2 new sport cloths.
2 of the older cloths that ive desided to leave - (but also retextured to new look & final quality).

Replaces Lana.ytd.

This is the final 4K version of Lana. Not all of the textures were modified for this version due to low performance PC's that can't load it in game (including mine lol).

Instalation :
If you didn't replace the model on another ingame model so just find Lana.ytd via OpenIV (Ctrl+F3 to open search in OpenIV) and replace Lana.ytd. (make sure to make a backup!)

If you replaced existing ingame model to Lana model just find the model you replaced and rename Lana.ytd to the one you replaced and replace it.

To the pervert basterds i will not make a Nude version textures for Lana allthough i have it as a source to make new cloths and in the future i'll make a 4K version of that too ;) Still you ain't gonna get it.

The DDE (DailyDrivenExotics) Murcielago (Clutch slayer) the TopSecret Supra A80 (With the best license plate in the world) and the S15 Silvia that are in the screenshots have a custom paintjobs that are not gonna be uploaded.

Please support alex189 & saldin93 for their amazing work!
To download the original mod :

Now i'm busy making a higher quality model with different/more hairstyles & clothes. but i will not upload this soon because i need to finish it, and then i'll need a permision for publishing, so for now it is for personal use only.

Have fun!

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4K Lana Final 1.0
4K Lana Final 1.0 4K Lana Final 1.0 4K Lana Final 1.0 4K Lana Final 1.0 4K Lana Final 1.0 4K Lana Final 1.0 4K Lana Final 1.0

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