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Fallout: San Andreas [.NET]

Author: Hingo
Date: 30.10.2015
Downloads: 4207 | Statistics
Filesize: 5.518 MB

10.00 based on 4 votes

FALLOUT: SAN ANDREAS introduces a handful of beloved Bethesda game mechanics to GTAV: V.A.T.S, branching dialogue, NPC followers, simultaneously active open-world 'quests', a compass, stealth mode, and even an inventory system where most any item in the world is yours for the taking - provided you don't get caught 'stealing' it and wind up having to offer "gold" to let you slide. And about that, you're in for a little bit of a Skyrim-flavored surprise in FO:SA. You'll know it when you see it :)

While FO:SA intends to be as close to an organic Fallout 3/NV experience as possible, it also sets out to put a unique twist on both GTA:V and Fallout -- for example: what if literally every NPC in the game (barring story characters) has the potential to become a questgiver, a bodyguard, or even a nemesis? That, an NPC would, at first, just be amongst the crowd, but then, gain some type of significance after the fact? Without being a pre-determined story character?

Of course, there needs to be some suspension of disbelief for this to work. In a world where game stories are told in highly cinematic fashion, there's a certain jarringness about NPCs having lines which they can't speak because they weren't voice acted.

If you're able to get past this limitation, then you are in for quite a bit of a treat with where FO:SA is headed. I've always been a big fan of dynamic, unscripted game events, and I intend for this mod, in time, to not only recreate the game mechanics of Fallout 3/NV within GTA:V, but to be almost an entirely new game in its own right, while I attempt to create the level of depth I have always dreamed of there being in a game.

Please do understand that the mod, in its current state, is quite limited in content. To the point of being highly repetitive, even. Almost everything is a mere signal as to what it could become -- and, freetime permitting, will become. I cannot make any promises though, as much as I wish I could.

But, at bare minimum, there is at least WAY more in store for this mod, because, and as I'm thrilled to share, that adding content is the easy part now that the systems are in place. As well, with a little refactoring of the API for public ease of consumption, the system is simple enough that fellow C# developers could easily extend the mod with their own questlines and dialogue trees. Then again, I don't want to set any unrealistic expectations, that would be a little off into the future. I know we're all prepared to go into 'Fallout 4 hibernation' for awhile anyway. =D

For now, please, enjoy Fallout: San Andreas. I know I had fun making it. Hopefully, if you're like me and craving Fallout 4, this will ease the pain of waiting.

Special thanks to:
Rockstar Games
Bethesda Softworks
Alexander Blade

There'd be no FO:SA without each and every one of you. Thank you.

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Fallout: San Andreas [.NET]
Fallout: San Andreas [.NET] Fallout: San Andreas [.NET] Fallout: San Andreas [.NET]

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