Helmet Walkers Fix v2.0
by diamond-optic
[email protected]
I noticed that there was peds that I would always see just walking around while wearing a helmet. This script will remove the helmets that they are wearing.
You can change the interval that controls how often the script will check for the peds in the 'Configuration' section near the top of the HelmetWalkersFix.lua file. (default: 1500)
So far I have only come across two peds that are walking around with helmets. One of them is a Family gang member, and the other is a Ballas gang member. Let me know if you see any other peds doing this and I will add them.
Place the HelmetWalkersFix.lua file inside the
\scripts\addins\ directory in your base GTAV
install location.
Script Hook V
LUA Plugin For Script Hook V
Change Log:
Version 2.0 (06.25.16)
- Added control over peds on bikes.
- Increased the default helmet check interval from 1000 to 1500.
Version 1.1 (10.03.15)
- Checks if the ped is wearing a helmet instead of just removing any props.
- Lowered the default helmet check interval from 3000 to 1000.
Version 1.0 (06.06.15)
- Initial Release
Known Issues:
Peds farther away will still have a helmet, this
can easily be seen with a sniper rifle.
local Interval = 1500 -- Interval for ped check (default: 1500)
local BikeRemove = 3 -- Chance to remove helmet if on a bike/quad (1 in # chance -> 0 never removes; 1 always removes; default: 3)
* please do not upload my mods to other sites! *
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