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Rating: | 10.00 based on 2 votes |
This mod is what many GTA players been wishing to originally get from GTA V which is TwoPlayer mod that allows two players to play gta v in one PC as you can spawn Player Two as michael.
NEW UPDATE 0.8!!!!!! NEW FEATURES ADDED: -teleporting when player is driving Wraps the 2nd player a passenger -NEW MODELS: now you can play as Trevor, Franklin,Michael,Lamar,CHOP!,Cop!, Gangster press pageup to change -now you can aim and shoot single Shoot using Numpad "." and numpad "1" -now you can insult using numpad + -PVP use numpad '*' -New Camera press K -NOW YOU CAN DRIVE press numpad3 to enter -new indicator INSTALING INSTRUCTIONS: put the OfflineCoop.dll in Scripts folder (works in any save file) Controls: Spawn Michael(PlayerTwo): M Movement: NUMPADS(4 8 6 2) Run: numpad 5 jump and climb: numpad 9 Enter Car as passenger for player1: numpad 3 Attack: numpad 1 Use\Hide Weapon: numpad7 Turn Ragdoll: numpad / Teleport to player1: numpad - Follow peds: numpad + Compatibility: Works with every MOD!!!(unless they use numpads which will result in controling two mods) And causes no lag at all, never! REQUIRES SCRIPT HOOK V!!! KnownIssues: -Player Two will run away when attacking and there is no nearby ped expect for Player 1 or mission characters, avoid using attack on player POSSIBLE UPDATES: -ability for 2nd player to attach to nearby stuff when ragdoll -ability for 2nd player to shoot while ragdoll Support so i can release new update Small notes: player two can do driveby when holding pistol in car and attack. |
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