
GTA 5: Aircraft

AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons]

Author: SkylineGTRFreak
Date: 28.07.2016
Downloads: 11563 | Statistics
Filesize: 17.298 MB

10.00 based on 19 votes

Yep, it's here after all. Requested many times on many pages and here we finally go... The AC-130 Gunship in all its glory comes to GTA V. This version depicts the AC-130U Spooky II version currently in service with the USAF. It features a 25mm, 40mm and 105mm cannon to provide air support for ground troops.

This mod lets you take control of the AC-130 and all of its weapons. You can switch between all three of them to cause havoc in LS. Albeit unrealistic, you can aim freely in a 360° view. The actual cannon objects do not move (game would crash).

The cargohold with gunner station and weapons can be entered if you open up the rear ramps. Vehicle features 8 seats: 3 in the cockpit, 4 in the gunner station and 1 in the loading bay. I could only get one bodyguard to enter though :/

One of my favorite mods I have released so far, so I hope you're enjoying it as well!

Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)

And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)

(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)

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AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons]
AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons] AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons] AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons] AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons] AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons] AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons] AC-130U Spooky II Gunship [Add-On/Working cannons]

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