
GTA 5: Aircraft

Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA

Author: SkylineGTRFreak
Date: 03.01.2016
Downloads: 8806 | Statistics
Filesize: 12.244 MB

10.00 based on 6 votes

The T-50 PAK FA is a 5th generation stealth fighter developed in Russia and a direct competitor to the US F-22 Raptor.
The PAK FA features a stealthy airframe including internal weapon bays, a glass cockpit, thrust vectoring nozzles and advanced radar systems.

So yea, here is my first non-american jet mod for you guys, as christmas present (so to say). It's going to be my last mod in 2015 because I'm leaving town tomorrow.

This mod comes with functional afterburner, which moves properly with the thrust vectoring nozzles. flaps, ailerons, rudders, etc all working of course. The cockpit has a working flight stick, radar, artificial horizont and engine power display. Please note that the player model MIGHT block the view if you're looking down in first person.
The weapon doors can be opened using CamxxCore's carpet bomber script:

Thanks to CamxxCore, this mod has the double afterburner.

Livery support is also given with the following skins:
-Prototype #1: grey-blue with light yellow accents
-Prototype #?: Grey with black/white splinter camo
-Prototype #5: light and dark blue
-Akula: Splinter camo as above, but with different markings and shark mouth
-Black: Inspired by Su-47

Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)

And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)

(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)

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Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA
Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA

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