
GTA 5: Aircraft

B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber

Author: SkylineGTRFreak
Date: 02.12.2015
Downloads: 22218 | Statistics
Filesize: 12.326 MB

10.00 based on 16 votes

The B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber is the most expensive aircraft to date and its shape is easily recognizeable even by non-aviation enthusiasts. This plane can deliver anything from nuclear weapons to simple dumb bombs.

Now you can enjoy this aircraft in GTA V and I STRONGLY RECOMMEND using the carpet bombing mod by CamxxCore for the full experience with openable bomb bays.

Now that being said, the features are:
Openable bomb bays when using CamxxCore's script
Working landing gear and landing gear doors
Light on front landing gear, extra lights on main landing gear can be toggled on
Rudder, airbrake, aileron, elevator and flaps controls surfaces
Intake covers pop up when landing
Refueling intake can be opened (open the passenger door to do so)
Ladder to cockpit can be opened/extended
Working gauges (Artificial Horizon, altitude and vertical speed)
Correcty positioned exhaust/engine/overheat dummies
LOD models
Bullet impact, shatterable glass

This is an Add-On mod in its OWN archive. Meaning you simply have to drag and drop this into your update folder and edit to .xml/meta files with Notepad. Very easy to install.

Model converted from FSX.

Full credits in the Read Me file.

Like I have said before, I'm really eager to release more aircraft (military/civillian), helicopters and military vehicles. If you like my work and want to see more, please show your support donating. It helps me affording the things I need to continue modding (ZM3, model files, etc)
As I have said before. I will make an Add-On mod pack once I have finished a specific set of mods.

And thanks alot for the support I have recieved already :)

(And you could keep up with my YT channel to see WIP videos of upcoming mods)

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B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber
B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber B-2A Spirit Stealth Bomber

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