
GTA 5: Aircraft

Boeing B-47E Stratojet

Author: Kiryu, FoxtrotDelta
Date: 24.03.2019
Downloads: 4647 | Statistics
Filesize: 7.949 MB

10.00 based on 2 votes

The USA's first jet-powered bomber, and the predecessor to the much more successful B-52 Stratofortress! These planes were designed as the first cold war bombers the USA put on the table, and saw a variety of uses including reconnaissance missions.
I know, it's been ages since I uploaded anything - I'm more active on GTA5-Mods nowadays, but I'll add stuff here now and then!

Anyway, Here's the second mod I commissioned FoxtrotDelta to make for me, although he seems to have suspiciously disappeared and never completed the mod.

As a result of this mod's nature as an unfinished beta, there are some issues which are unlikely to be fixed, which are listed in the readme. You're welcome to fix the problems and upload your own versions, if you want!

If required, I can and will take this mod down.

Here's a list of features!
- Hands on yoke
- Working flaps, ailerons and elevators
- USAF Livery
- Working Collisions
- Working nose wheel
- Working Bomb Bay (use CamxxCore's Carpet Bomber script)

Installation instructions are included, you'll need to use OpenIV to install this.

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Boeing B-47E Stratojet
Boeing B-47E Stratojet Boeing B-47E Stratojet

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