
GTA 4: Savegames

Grand Theft Auto IV - Savegame Revenge and Deal - 100%

Author: Susie Bellic | Email
Date: 28.08.2020
Downloads: 36182 | Statistics
Filesize: 0.099 MB

10.00 based on 5 votes

Money: 999 Millions.
*Kate Dead*
- Gloves.
- Knife.
- Desert Eagle.
- Baretta.
- MP5.
- AK47
- Sniper's rifle.
- Rocket launcher.
- Grenades.
- Roman: 100% completed jobs and their respective reward. (Free taxis).
- Little Jacob: 100% accomplished jobs and their respective reward (Weapons).
- Dwayne:
100% completed jobs and their respective reward.
- Packie:
100% completed jobs and their respective reward.
- Brucie:
100% completed jobs and their respective reward, you also have the possibility to continue with the races.
- Alexandra Chilton:
100% confidence and relationship and its respective reward.
(Clothing discount).
- Carmen Ortiz:
100% confidence and relationship and its respective reward.
(Improved health).
- Kiki Jenkins: 100% trust and relationship and respective reward.
(Lower search level).
- Broker: Banshee and Roman's Taxi.
- Bohan: Romero and Sultan RS.
- Algonquin Middle Park: Sabre GT and Comet.
- Algonquin Northwood: Sentinel XS and Maverick.
- Alderney City: PMP-600 and Feltzer.
Money: 999 Millions.
*Roman Dead*
- Gloves.
- Knife.
- Pistol.
- Shotgun.
- MP5.
- AK47.
- Sniper's rifle.
- Rocket launcher.
- Grenades.
- Little Jacob: 100% accomplished jobs and their respective reward (Weapons).
- Dwayne:
100% completed jobs and their respective reward.
- Packie:
100% completed jobs and their respective reward.
- Brucie:
100% completed jobs and their respective reward, you also have the possibility to continue with the races.
- Kate McReary (Not Available).
- Alexandra Chilton:
100% confidence and relationship and its respective reward.
(Clothing discount).
- Carmen Ortiz:
100% confidence and relationship and its respective reward.
(Improved health).
- Kiki Jenkins: 100% trust and relationship and respective reward.
(Lower search level).
- Broker: Marbelle and Cognoscenti.
- Bohan: PMP-600 and Romero.
- Algonquin Middle Park: Infernus and Comet.
- Algonquin Northwood: Super GT and Feltzer.
- Alderney City: Police Stockade and FIB Buffalo.

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Grand Theft Auto IV - Savegame Revenge and Deal - 100%
Grand Theft Auto IV - Savegame Revenge and Deal - 100% Grand Theft Auto IV - Savegame Revenge and Deal - 100% Grand Theft Auto IV - Savegame Revenge and Deal - 100%

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