
GTA 4: Savegames

GTA4 Savegame FPS Benchmark - Beachgate Daytime v1.1

Author: ronikbellik
Date: 24.06.2020
Downloads: 5062 | Statistics
Filesize: 1.056 MB

9.00 based on 1 votes

A save game to help benchmark GTA IV with the lowest fps possible in a somewhat consistent way.

Enabling night shadows and driving through beachgate while using headlights will lower fps a lot, it is one of the areas in GTA IV with the lowest fps, so if you stay above 60fps in beachgate you'll definitely stay above 60fps anywhere else in GTA IV map.

-fps benchmark software like msi afterburner with average and minimum fps enabled and framerate limit set to 280

Install save game:
Place SGTA4xx file in your GTA 4 save game location
C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames

C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\Profiles\%USERPROFILE% (example 78346CAD)

Rename SGTA4xx to SGTA400-SGTA411 (example SGTA401, SGTA402, SGTA410)
SGTA400=saveslot 1
SGTA411=saveslot 12

Install msi afterburner 4.6.2 profile settings:
Place MSIAfterburner.cfg here
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Profiles

Reset minimum fps numbers with F4

How to benchmark with this save game:
1. after loading save game while inside niko's apartment reset minimum fps numbers with F4 key
2. get in red turismo car parked outside
3. follow route shown in the picture 'follow this route', don't destroy your car headlights by crashing or benchmark will be useless
4. turn on headlights after crossing beachgate tollbooth entrance
5. stop at finish line/tollbooth exit
6. record average & minimum fps numbers (video recording, screenshot, write in paper, etc)

Benchmarks ranked lowest to highest minimum fps
GTA IV 1080p Max Settings Ryzen 2600X + RX 5700 XT
fps avg=67
fps min=22

GTA IV 1080p Very High Ryzen 2600X + RX 5700 XT view=25,detail=31,vehicle=100
fps avg=87
fps min=35

GTA IV 1080p Very High Ryzen 2600X + RX 5700 XT view=25,detail=31,vehicle=51
fps avg=90
fps min=37

GTA IV 1080p Max Settings Ryzen 2600X + RX 5700 XT night s=off
fps avg=94
fps min=37

GTA IV 1080p Very High Ryzen 2600X + RX 5700 XT night s=off,view=25,detail=31,vehicle=100
fps avg=122
fps min=62

GTA IV 1080p Very High Ryzen 2600X + RX 5700 XT night s=off,view=25,detail=31,vehicle=51
fps avg=130
fps min=66

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GTA4 Savegame FPS Benchmark - Beachgate Daytime v1.1
GTA4 Savegame FPS Benchmark - Beachgate Daytime v1.1 GTA4 Savegame FPS Benchmark - Beachgate Daytime v1.1

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